Thursday, September 24, 2009

Love Me Some Snow Pea Leaves

Tonight we were shut out at Rangoon (kitchen closed at 8:30pm instead of 9pm). Booo! Pics of my favorite Burmese eats will have to wait.

We didn't have too many options at this hour, but saw Sang Kee's sign glowing in the distance. They have one thing I truly love: doumiao (translation: snow pea leaves). When I lived in Taiwan and China I used to eat this stuff daily. Sang Kee is the only place in town serving up these greens!
To compliment my sweet greens I ordered the Singapore noodles with tofu and shiitake mushrooms. It was all light and satisfying.

A pleasant surprise was that they'll make dishes without sugar and cornstarch upon request. Don't be fooled by the gooey sauces of Chinese restaurants. Chinese people don't eat like that! They think that's how white people like their food, but they're not giving you enough credit. Ask for dishes without the goop and you'll also be pleasantly surprised how healthy Chinese food can be.


hexo said...

Wow that looks delicious! I always get salt-baked seafood at Sang Kee but obviously I wouldn't recommend it to you!

Lauren said...

Great eats! I just added you to my blog roll, your Pure Sweets macaroons look amazing!! :)

Pure Sweets said...

Ooops, I forgot to alert comments automatically! Now, I'm on it. Yes, the salt-baked options are always a winner. Too bad it's not so good with tofu. Sigh...

Thanks for reading!