Thursday, May 28, 2009


Welcome to the Pure Sweets Blog!

Hope you'll find blurbs about my favorite vegan-friendly eateries and travels helpful for your own jaunts. The most common question I hear is: What do you eat when you go out? If I can find vegan eats, while on the road and just hanging in Philly, anyone can! Wherever I go, my omnivorous pals are happily eating, too.


geckojoe said...

Hey its joe from gecko's your site and menu look great! Good luck!

Cyndi said...

Congratulations Andrea. You will do well, one can just feel it!!!!!

Diana said...

saw you on the 10 show yesterday. I am also a philly vegan. your recipes look great.

Unknown said...

Super delicious, I highly recommend all of them and I am not even a Vegan!