Monday, April 19, 2010

Day 2 of Cleanse

I must be motivated because I woke up earlier to make this drink and to post this for Day 2.

I bought greens last night for today's Green Juice #2, but not really in the mood for veggies at 8am. Decided to make another dumpster drink (whatever I could find in the fridge got thrown in).

Ingredients: (sorry, no precise measurements this morning because I'm running late for work.)

1 pint organic pink grapefruit
1 pint organic papaya
1 organic lime
1 cup of coconut water

  • First, pulverize the grapefruit which creates a great deal of liquid and helps blend the remaining ingredients together.
  • Squeeze limes into grapefruit liquid. I prefer limes over lemons for flavor and lack of seeds.
  • Blend the papaya. Papayas are starchy, so the smoothie becomes rather thick at this point.
  • Add coconut water (or filtered water) to your liking to dilute.

This tastes much better than yesterday's Green Juice. It's actually good enough to sell in a juice bar. It was like a lime-ade with papaya. Didn't even notice the grapefruit, it balanced the sweet papayas well. I love lime juice with fruit because it reminds me of Mexico. I promise to make Green Juice #2 after work and before Fusion because I want that chlorophyll. Anyone know how much chlorophyll you need to ingest/day to start making a difference?

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