Friday, October 2, 2009

Burmese Bites

We made it to Rangoon well before closing this time and enjoyed my favorite salads and curry.

People are surprised when I say "I don't care for salads." It's more like I don't enjoy typical American salads. I don't like junky, pungent dressings. I'll take Burmese salads any day! Pictured here are my favorites: the ginger and watercress salads. I order these without dried shrimp and fish sauce. The fried tofu salad is also yummy and for the adventurous, go for the tea leaf.

As the days are cooling down, I also find the split pea soup (mixed with rice) like home cooking, but it can be on the salty side at times. (Skip the spring rolls and samosas. These are not particularly worth ordering.)

Rangoon has quite a few vegan dishes. For authentic Burmese, go for the spicy potato curry pictured here and vatana beans with extra onions (not pictured). Growing up my mom would cook fried caramelized onions in huge batches. I would put those sweet crispy toppings on everything.

For non-vegans, the thousand layer bread is addictive. You'll enjoy the Burmese cold noodle and calamari salads as well.

The owners are lovely and feel like family. Have any specific dietary requests? They'll take care of it!

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