Monday, November 30, 2009

M Cafe- Culver City

I haven't seen my freshman year roomie, Gretchen, in years. I love reuniting with Smithies because 1) they don't age (!) 2) we always pick up where we left off and 3) they're like the sisters I never had.

Gretchen has been living in LA since we graduated from Smith and she is a walking, breathing embodiment of being healthy. She likes to dine on salads for dinner and that's what you see here from the M Cafe de Chaya.

M Cafe is a macrobiotic place that is mostly vegan
with a few seafood options. I wasn't feeling terribly hungry this evening, so I went for a small plate of organic brown rice sushi which was excellent, but expensive. One is topped with hijiki seaweed (a bit too fishy for me), the other has marinated shiitake which I loved, and the rolls are made with avocado and more shiitake. The sushi was delish, but at $2.50 per piece...yikes! We're talking vegan here.

For dessert we went for the most appetizing options which were the Tiramisu and chocolate layered fudge cake. The Tiramisu was pretty damn close, but the cake was crumbly and failed to melt in your mouth like the real thing. The creamy portion tasted a bit too much like soy milk and left more to be desired. The creamy filling and frosting of the chocolate cake was right on. Nothing vegan about it, but the cake was a bit dry. Maybe if it was eaten the day it was prepared it would've tasted fresher.

Overall, this place had a great menu, but what you end up getting for the price leaves you feeling hungry and broke.

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